Investing is one of my favorite topics to discuss. It’s so crucial to understand the fundamentals of investing because of the famous Warren Buffet Quote above. There are many different aspects of investing and many ways to get started. Below I have 2 easy ways for you to get started TODAY! But before you get started, here is the single most eye opening fact I’ve learned about investing:
Investing is about growing the money you have, not creating new money that never existed.
With that said. The key to investing is to start small and grow your financial intelligence over time. Below there are 2 resources to get you started investing and learning immediately: Robinhood (for investing as low as $1) and 5 Minute Millionaire Mentor (by world known investor and entrepreneur Tai Lopez).
Stock Market
The easy-in to investing
Sign up to Robinhood here to get a free stock and begin investing for as low as a dollar. When you sign up and link you bank account, you’ll get a free stock!
Financial Education
Learn from success
Let Tai Lopez who had the most viral video on for years and teaches money online everyday give you the fundamentals of money and investing.